In these uncertain times where visitors are measured and risks are still high, don’t forget to invest in your own recovery in the postpartum. You may have had to go through labour and birth alone, but remember to look after you also. The postpartum treatments are given in the comfort of your own home
In my native country Kenya, the postpartum period is 40 days and with others 42 +10 days depending on your ‘status’ before the birth of the baby. If you were already a married woman, the 10 extra days are included for the kitchen party lessons which are vast :-)
The postpartum is a sacred rite of passage in my tribe ‘the Mijikenda’ after the initiations. In Mombasa where I am from, celebrations are 7 days. From weddings, Birth celebrations, The postpartum and even funerals, concluding with a 40th-day celebration of life
This is a rite I grew up with and experienced myself with my mother coming from Kenya for my children’s births in the Netherlands

The postpartum Wellness packages
In this package, you will get a full body massage. There is extra goodness that is included in this package for you only
In this package you will receive a Foot treatment, a Chai made with Kenyan Original spices, Belly Binding and a Moxa treat
In this complete package comes a whole heap of treatments just for you. This will be the celebratory package that consists of a surprise treat and ending with a closing ceremony