Upendo Doula in Leiden

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What is changing with Kraamzorg care in 2025?

Which insurance companies to choose? Is your familie’s kraamzorg need covered?

20205 comes with many offerings. An opportunity to adjust or change insurance companies based on what they offer etc. December and January are the months to shop where you can change insurance companies or increase your level of coverage too. Many insurance companies allow you to change or do that ONCE in the year. So that time is usually December/January.

I had a lot of my clients for 2025 contact me with this question. They are thinking of changing their insurance companies for 2025 and if their insurance company ‘knows me’

Insurance companies don’t know any self employed ZZPers directly. So the wrong advice you would get is usually ‘ no we don’t know that kraamzorg’

Self employed maternity nurses (Kraamverzorgende) including myself, have contracts with 3rd party companies that handle all the money issues with insurance companies. That is how we are able to bill for the care we have provided after we close carefiles. So they know the third party companies or organizations

Don’t be discouraged or be swayed in your decision to appoint a particular Kraamzorg, if you hear your chosen Kraamzorg is not known by your insurance, find out which third party companies they know and then check with your kraamzorg if they have an agreement with those companies.

There are even stories from kraamverzorgende whose clients have been told ‘to be careful with who they signed with’ which is not only ethically untrue, it is wrong information.

Because NO insurance companies know me for example. The third party companies I work with are Kraamzorg 1 op 1 or Kraammarkt know me. So your question to your insurance is IF they have a contract with those two organizations (Who have agreements with all insurance companies) before you register yourself on my registration link for Kraamzorg :-) which is: https://upendodoula.mijngeboortezorg.nl/Aanvragen/kraamzorg

Please email me first on info@upendo-doula.com to check I have space. Currently I am full but I can make allowance based on a lot of factors

The only difference lays in the package of coverage you choose. Be wise in the packages you choose because you can always reduce it after the first year. Think of risks like needing ‘maybe’ physio visits because your hips suffer the toll of pregnancy, or you need to visit the pelvic floor specialist. Many of these are then covered for x amount of appointments in the year

So these are the typical

Aanvullend: (Comprehensive coverage covers everything so you are sure to not receive a surprise separate invoice.

Basis - Basic coverage works like your dental care. Your Insurance company pays maybe x amount and you have to pay the remainder that is not covered. In all cases, they cover all costs apart from €5.40 per hour (2025 rate) from €5.10 an hour from year 2024. So everything else is covered apart from €5.40/hour on the overall bill. If you used 49 total hours in 8 days then that is 49x€5.40 you can expect a separate invoice to pay separately yourselves. Even if you used 49 hours because it was necessary, that is still a lot of money on top of all the things you had to get in preparation for your baby’s arrival. If you need 10 days of care for whatever reasons..it adds up

The ONLY place you don’t pay your own contribution ‘eigen bijdrage’ is for kraamzorg care in the hospital.

I hope this answers many of your questions and assures your doubt :-)

Happy New year and hopefully see you soon! XxNaomie